Do you remember the night before elementary school field trips as a kid? Well, as someone who was in elementary school not-so-recently, I remember the buzzing in my brain. Ditching your backpack, heavier than a bench press with books and assignments, for a small little drawstring bag, filled with snacks, water, and whatever else you needed on that field trip.
The night before I went to Boston for the first time just a week and a half ago, that buzzing in my brain from the excitement was back. I'm not sure if it was the excitement from my upcoming trip, or the fact that the cast list for our upcoming play was on its way (I'm a wolf cub in the Jungle Book. Get hyped, it's what I wanted). But, I just couldn't sleep. I ended up FaceTiming my friends until after midnight, while all they said was "aren't you going to Boston in like four hours? Go to bed..." If any of you guys are reading this, please understand that that field trip-like excitement was keeping me awake.
Just four hours later, I was awoken before the sun. I threw on an outfit and headed out the door to BWI for a 6:30 flight to BOS. I closed my eyes as we took off, and woke up to the pilot's "we are making our final descent..." spiel, and those cute little dings that come on planes periodically. For one of my first post-lockdown flights that were for positive reasons, I forgot how much of a serotonin booster those little dings are.
My dad and I were in the city by 8:30, just in time for a 9AM tour of Simmons University, a small HWC right on the Fenway.
Let me just say, it's the cutest, most wonderful school. I met the most wonderful people on my tour and it is most definitely in my top three schools (despite being quite literally the size of my high school)!
After the tour, my dad and I took our tour guide's recommendation for Thornton's Fenway Grille for a quick brunch. When I say other poached eggs have to step it up to compare to these ones, I mean it. Not only was the food top-tier, we were even taken care of by some wonderful Simmons students and members of the Colleges of the Fenway (Emmanuel College, Simmons, MCPHS, and Wentworth Institute of Technology), who not only were wonderful staff members, but gave the best advice- even writing me a little "good luck" note on my receipt.
With quite some time to kill, my dad and I walked through the chaos of Fenway Park just hours before a game (tip: do not do this or you will get pressured into paying for scam tickets).
Sifting ourselves out of that mob, we swapped the hustle-and-bustle for a more peaceful walk by the Charles River, where we got a beautiful view of Cambridge (hello, Harvard and MIT). Before we knew it, we were walking through the Boston University campus.
Not really a campus, per se; you can't distinguish where the campus ends and the rest of the city starts- and that's exactly why I love those types of schools. Imagine the bottomless pit of opportunities I have lying ahead of me if I go to a school like that... ;)
Now for a BU photo dump.

Ivy covered building= serotonin booster
After the two college tours, my dad and I still had an hour to kill before our flight, so we headed back to Fenway Park into a restaurant...little did we know we had a perfect view of the baseball game from second base (I think? I don't know sports). No media was allowed in the restaurant, so all I have to remember it by were the killer buffalo wings and the name- baseball fans, check out Bleacher Bar.
12 hours after our flight to Boston, we were back in the airport, this time going home. I had the most beautiful 12 hours in Boston, and wish I could be there for 12 more days.
Thanks for reading, friends! If you're still here, I'm in the height of the college application process...want to pray NYU and BU let me in?
See you again soon :)